BULBOPHYLLUMS Index List BULBOPHYLLUM SPECIES Bulbophyllum ambrosia. Sweetly fragrant white flowers with dark pink stripes. A relatively small grower. Very nice! 4" pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum amplebracteatum ‘Windy Hill’ HCC/AOS. Bulb carunculatum-like successive blooming flowers with a near-black lip but with significant bronze to copper overlay in the sepals and petals. 3.25-3.5" pot, NBS, $25. Bulbophyllum andersonii. Umbellate type flower arrangement with many flowers per umbel. A rambling grower. 6" pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum annamense ‘Crownpoint’. Divisions of CCM/AOS awarded plant. Beautiful lavender speckled 3.5-4" umbels of up to 20 flowers per stem! bare root division with 2 growths, $15. Bulbophyllum bicolor. ‘A-doribil’ AM/AOS or bicolor ‘Windy Hill’ AM/AOS. Awarded divisions of a very pretty species with clusters of light yellow flowers striped magenta. 3.25" pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum carunculatum (‘Magnifico’ AM/CHM/AOS x sib). A beautiful Philippine species with successive blooming large golden yellow flowers with a dark red-black lip. The lip is covered with small lumpy growths (caruncules) which give the plant its name. Extremely nice! Not stinky; one of my favorites! 5" pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum carunculatum ‘Magnifico’ AM/CHM/AOS or carunculatum ‘Windy Hill’ AM/AOS. Awarded divisions of the above species. 5” pot, BS, $30. Bulbophyllum conchinchinense (=macranthum) ‘Rainbow’ CHM/AOS’. Abundant cream and yellow flowers heavily speckled maroon. 5” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum cruciatum (syn. Hapalochilus cruciatus). A compact growing plant with very small white and purple flowers. Not showy, just unusual. From New Guinea. 3.25” pot. BS, $20. Bulbophyllum falcatum var. flavum ‘Gold Country’. Many little yellow flowers on the side of a rachis that looks like a flattened pead pod. Very cute! 3” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum falcatum var. velutinum ‘Shan’ CBR/CCM/AOS. Cute like the above but with a darker reddish rachis and flowers! 3” pot, BS, $15. Bulbophyllum falcatum var. velutinum ‘Gold Country’. Again, darker colored rachis! 3” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum falcatum ‘Standing Tall’ AM/AOS. Awarded division of this species 3” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum fritillariiflorum ‘Belgian Lace’ AM/CCE/AOS. Beautiful light green beak-like flowers with cordovan tessellations! 3.25” pot, $40. Bulbophyllum fritillariiflorum. A much brighter green-flowered form of the above species. Still with the tessellations, just less of them. 3.25” pot, $30. Bulbophyllum gamosepalum. A relatively small grower with umbellate flowers, yellow to pink with darker reddish highlights. 4” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum gibbosum. Upright plant with sprays of many white flowers. 3.25” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum gracillimum. Awesome little reddish maroon umbels of flowers. Very spidery looking! Relatively small grower. 4” pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum grandiflorum (syn. burfordiense). Large beautiful light greenish bronze flowers with translucent whitish spotting on the sepals, sort of like windows! BS, 3.25” pot, $20. Bulbophyllum grandiflorum ‘Yellowstone River’ AM/AOS. Cool flowers like the above grandiflorum with award quality! 5” pot, $30. Bulbophyllum lasiochilum. A small growing floriferous species with flowers that remind me of little dancing people! This is the regular color form. 4” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum lilacinum ‘Crownpoint’, division of CCM/AOS plant. Tight sprays of flowers, white spotted red for a lilac-lavender appearance. Very pretty! 3.25” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum macrobulbum (‘Lake Kutubu’ x self). Amazing and unusual stinky green flowers heavily overlaid burgundy with burnt orange petal margins! 3” pot, $50. Bulbophyllum maximum ‘Windy Hill’. Division of a CCM/AOS awarded plant. Tiny green flowers open in a row along both sides of a large flattened green rachis. COOL! 6” pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum medusae. A species aptly named for the mythological Medusa! Wild and wooly! 3.25” pot, BS, $30; 5” pot, BS, $40. Bulbophyllum monanthum ‘Windy Hill’ HCC/AOS. Small yellow flowers with burgundy markings; similar in shape to Bulb dearei flowers but smaller and more numerous. 4” pot, BS, $15. Bulbophyllum mysorense. A mini plant from India with clusters of white flowers. 3” pot, BS, $15. Bulbophyllum orthoglossum forma flavilabellum. The rare all yellow form of this species! Closely related to amplebracteatum and carunculatum. 3.25” pot, BS, $30. Bulbophyllum patens ‘Rainbow’ AM/CCE/AOS. Starry wine red flowers borne singly but there are lots of them! 3.25” pot, BS, $20; 5” pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis. Spectacular species with large long strap shaped leaves and mottled maroon STINKY flowers!! A must-have for the Bulbo connoisseur. Divisions. Extra shipping cost will apply for such large plants. NBS to BS, $100 and up. Bulbophyllum purpureorhachis ‘Leaping Lizards’ HCC/AOS. Awesome relatively large species with large dark upright rachis with many small dark flowers. Impressive! 5” pot, NBS, $75. Bulbophyllum rothschildianum. Elegant umbels of cream colored flowers very heavily overlaid burgundy. Burgundy hairs on the dorsal & petals wiggle in the breeze! One of my very favorite bulbophyllums! Divisions available of ‘Windy Hill’ AM/AOS, ‘Red Chimney’ FCC/AOS, ‘Jerry Elmore’ AM/AOS, ‘Seagrove’s Low Tide’ AM/AOS and ‘Kaylee Marie’ HCC/AOS 3.25” pots, $25-$30. Bulbophyllum roxburghii ‘Gold Country’. Dainty umbels of very light yellow flowers with maroon markings. Can be very floriferous as the plant grows larger! 3” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum rufinum. Long sprays of small yellow-orange flowers with fine maroon stripes. 3.25” pot, BS, $15. Bulbophyllum saltatorium. A west African species with a very fuzzy lip! 3” pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum scaberulum. A relatively small growing cute African species in the Megaclinium section that has many maroon flowers on a dark flattened rachis. 5” pot, BS. $25. Bulbophyllum spiesii (=fletcherianum). Much like Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis but with “smooth” flowers instead of “textured” ones, and more rare in collections. Very stinky too! I have some divisions of this that are too large to safely ship; these largest plants are half price with appointment for greenhouse pickup. Shipped blooming size divisions, $200 & up. Bulbophyllum taiwanense. Clusters of small bright orange flowers! 3” pot, BS, $35. Bulbophyllum vitiense (=cocoinum). African. Tall sprays of near white flowers. 3.25” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum wendlandianum. Umbels of long slender cream flowers heavily overlaid with red striping and hightlights! 3.25” pot, BS, $20. BULBOPHYLLUM HYBRIDS Bulbophyllum A-doribil Anna Roth ‘Cherry’ AM/AOS, BT/AOS (rothschildianum x annandalei). Awarded division 3.25” pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum Cindy Dukes ‘D&B’ AM/AOS (rothschildianum x putidum). Elegant long flower clusters with deep burgundy stripes and garnet spots! 4” pot, BS, 20. Bulbophyllum Doris Dukes ‘Bill’s Best’ AM/AOS (fascinator x rothschildianum). Elegant long dark wine colored flowers, usually 2 per inflorescence. 4” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann ‘Buckleberry’ FCC/AOS. (longissimum x rothschildianum). Two of the most gorgeous species combine to make this spectacular hybrid! Pendant umbels, unless staked, of many long reddish striped flowers! Very reliable fall bloomer. 4” pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum Emly Siegerist ‘A-doribil 52’ (Elizabeth Ann x lasiochilum). Division of CCM/AOS plant with ivory flowers, spotted maroon. Very floriferous! 3.25” pot, BS, $15. Bulbophyllum Frostpoint (frostii ‘Greta Twee’ x annamense .‘Crownpoint’ CCM/AOS).The first to bloom have had very pretty umbels of cream flowers very heavily overlaid with purple to maroon spots! 4” pot, NBS, $15. Bulbophyllum Louis Sander ‘Crownpoint’ AM/AOS (longissimum x ornatissimum). Umbels of light chartreuse flowers finely striped and stippled violet! Very Limited 5” pot, BS, $25. Bulbophyllum L. Soleil Croft (A-doribil Lava Flow ‘Eruption’ AM/AOS x longissimum ‘Orange Delight’ AM/AOS). Tall slender umbels of glowing burgundy flowers! Impressive! 3.25” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum Marilyn LeDoux ‘Windy Hill’ AM/AOS. (Doris Dukes ‘23’ x Elizabeth Ann ‘Buckleberry ‘FCC/AOS). Wonderful long pendant umbellate flowers in red-purple hues. Special thanks to hybridizer Bill Thoms for naming this cross for me. Awarded division…3.25” pot, BS, $20. Bulbophyllum Melting Point (Doris Dukes ‘Bill’s Best’ AM/AOS x longissimum ‘Windy Hill’). Bulbophyllum Sue Blackmore ‘Windy Hill’ (falcatum x purpureorachis). Division of a CCM/AOS awarded plant. Tiny yellow-green-cordovan flowers open in a row along both sides of an upright cordovan rachis! Unusual! Easy to grow and bloom! BS, 5” pot, $30. 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